HL2DM Frag Movie 2010 (HD 720p)

By gtamike_TSGK

Rainbow User
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Herkunft: UK
Homepage: gtamikes-maps.picz…
Beiträge: 115
Dabei seit: 07 / 2007

HL2DM Frag Movie 2010 (HD 720p)

Gepostet: 15.03.2010 - 15:18 Uhr  ·  #1
Hi all, i've made my first frag video, took just over 3 weeks to make.

First recorded with the ingame source recorder so no lag when playing.
Demo played back and captured to .avi with Fraps at a Smooth 60fps. :D

Game: Half Life 2 Deathmatch
Player: gtamike_TSGK
Software: Fraps and CyberLink PowerDirector 8
Music: Dope (good killing music)

HL2DM Frag Movie 2010 (HD 720p)

HL2DM Frag Movie OutTakes

My other HL2DM videos are here

Enjoy the video there are some epic frags and leave comments. :thumpbup:

I love killboxs and small maps
great for fast gameplay and kills
Serious User
Herkunft: Osthessen
Beiträge: 634
Dabei seit: 01 / 2007

Re: HL2DM Frag Movie 2010 (HD 720p)

Gepostet: 16.03.2010 - 07:08 Uhr  ·  #2
^^ nice, especially the slow motion parts :thumpbup:
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