
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Kreuzlingen
Homepage: half-life-gaming.n…
Beiträge: 1673
Dabei seit: 01 / 2006


Gepostet: 27.06.2010 - 11:25 Uhr  ·  #1
Playername: KoNcentrate

Clan: C H A Z E D

Born (year): 1983

Hometown / country: Germany

Contact (homepage and/or email): www.chazed.de

Half Life related maps / mods / plugins done: none

Serverowner of: KoNs private warserver

Since when you are playin Half Life 2 DM and where did u get it / heared about?:
Oct 2006, got it in a pack with hl2

In which clans you played already?

Tell us more about your Half Life 2 DM history:
I started playing in 2006 and played for more then 2 years only killboxes. I started a clan together with Carioca called Killbox Rockers. Then in the end of 2k8 I started to play competitive in regular maps. I played in Clans-United and in OFF League. In both Leagues I was Admin, in Clans-United I was Head-Admin for half a year

What`s great about Half Life 2 DM and the scene?
Well it’s the love for the game that makes it great, could get rid of half of the community though, cos like in most of the gaming scene, lots of them are whiny kids that only like to troll and flame 

What could be better in the Half Life 2 DM scene?
Look above… they clearly should grow up 

On which servers are you usualy playing now and why?
Im playing on the omos (One map only server) server and on KC Server #1 Killbox KBH_2_fix. Playing on KC for the sake of the good old times, and on the omos servers I play cos zthey are the most stable ones and theres always action in there

How much time you spend for Half Life 2 DM and/or modding/mapping etc. per week?
7-10h, depends on what have to do in real live

Which players/clans/communitys you like, got your respect and wanna give some shoots out?
Clans I like: CHAZED, former [el], KIR, [B§]
Players I like: Yang, Bex, SILLA, Carioca, Weirdie, Horatio Caine, Mr_Anderson_1, nThrax,

Which are your 3 favourite maps?
dm_octagon, dm_helix, dm_lostarena_rpg

You like more DM or TDM?

Final words / wishes for the future:
Valve, pls don’t touch hl2:dm. could only get worse 
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