
Small Genius
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Portsmouth, England
Homepage: tsf.hl2clan.com
Beiträge: 23
Dabei seit: 07 / 2007


Gepostet: 27.06.2010 - 12:17 Uhr  ·  #1
Rav (or Ravage)

[ TSF ] Teh Skaro Faction

Born (year):

Hometown / country:
Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Contact (homepage and/or email):
ravage@rtype.com, http://tsf.hl2clan.com

Half Life related maps / mods / plugins done:

Serverowner of:
ALl [TSF] Servers 1-6, and now new company www.ultraserversuk.com to provide decent source servers

Since when you are playin Half Life 2 DM and where did u get it / heared about?
I played Half Life 1 from release day and moved into HL1DM until I bought HL2 release day and moved into HL2DM a couple of months after its release.
Athough I spent years playing clanless and reg maps!

In which clans you played already?
KC (Kill Campers)

Tell us more about your Half Life 2 DM history:

I was massively into Half-Life 1 ans still consider it my favourite game, I played DM on that because of the funky weapons such as gauss cannon which made it superior than other real-life frags. I played on the S-UK server then mainly. Purchased HL2 the day it came out, and indeed had to wait what a month before HL2DM was released, although I didnt start to play it proper for a couple of months. The S-UK boys at the time didnt move to HL2DM otherwise I would have surely been in the clan if they had!
I started as a reg map player, but loved seeing new maps and so every night I would look for new maps and inevitably I found killbox (I first thought it daft a died allot trying to kind how to get down from the top I recall LOL). Due to some nights it being late and quiet I inevidably found myself play on KC1 and when Fyckfaco and Nade Meaggs stop to train me, thats when clan life began as I enrolled with them as fast as I could!
Later, I met Lord Davros through KC, who then relatively quickly had a fallout and I told him to form what would then become [ TSF ], whcih i set up the forums and web page on my birthday I was sectretly advising/admining until serveral months later, I too fell out with Kc management and left to foramlyl become co-leader of [ TSF ] (although I did spend a month thinking of others such as B$, S-UK and KBH!).
Via Davros the urge to map was born - I'm aloways pushing the engine far too far as I try to make tings realistic - which is pretty hard for a killbox. Im taking time out of mapping until I come up with a new vision :)

What`s great about Half Life 2 DM and the scene?
Well the other clans that still exist are great, I still love the weapons and feel of how it plays - Ive tried many other DMs but not play like HL2DM so you can keep your MW2s and AVPs :) I particularly think the idea of the clans actively working together and applaud things like the consortium stats as a way to join us all together!

What could be better in the Half Life 2 DM scene?
Well, for me, my biggest issue is that now I've tried other things like TF2, L4d/L4d2 is that the hit reg is appalling and I'm firmly convinced that we are only weeks away from HL2DM being ported to OB just as CS:S has been done. This will be done because Valve have promised a game-a-week release on the mac platform and can surely only guarantee that by porting thier own titles. Presuming they dont totally kill the bunny hop/play style I cant wait and it'll mean more funky maps from me :) Its been proved it can be done with Adrenaline Gamer 2.... And with a new release will come new and old who have wandered off! Renaissance here we come!

On which servers are you usualy playing now and why?
Sadly, I stick to only a handful, TSF1 and 3, KC1, Beast's Killbox server and S-UK's

How much time you spend for Half Life 2 DM and/or modding/mapping etc. per week?
Sometimes upto 40, currently about 4-6 dependign on world life and world cup ;)

Which players/clans/communitys you like, got your respect and wanna give some shoots out?
Bloodsuckers for sure! Why we've never got a match going is nuts - we all play the same, like the same and it would truly be a classic! I have great respect for [EL] as they gave me the only enjoyable competition match in any league we tried to participate in. I'll always have a torch for Kc and Fyck and Nade for being the first to tutor me and introduce me to Clan Life! Then theres TSGK for consortium and fun attitude, KBH for the best killbox theory, Carioca for killbox_kbr :)

Which are your 3 favourite maps?
dm_killbox_kbr (by far the best box there is for me)
...last ones not so easy ... will have to think on that :) ...

You like more DM or TDM?
DM - [TSF] love trying TDM but we just dont practise and get whippe d- we much prefer it because we're all in Teampseak and we just laugh all the time and makes the match fun!

Final words / wishes for the future:
We must all stick together as the game gets quieter and quieter, as the core need to keep it going. Once we get proper htiboxes and perhaps a OB release loads of people will return and we must be ready to welcome them back and remind them why they loved HL2DM so much - theyve just forgotten that!
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