Server options for all gamers

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Herkunft: Kreuzlingen
Homepage: half-life-gaming.n…
Beiträge: 1711
Dabei seit: 01 / 2006

Server options for all gamers

Gepostet: 17.04.2006 - 13:25 Uhr  ·  #1
Here you find some options you have during playing on our servers.


Type in game "y" key for say command and write following:

"votemap" - this allows gamers to vote for the next map, 3 votes minimum required

"rockthevote" - this allows gamers to start a votemap, minimum 4 votes required

"nextmap" - to see the next map

"votekick" - this allows gamers to kick one player for 30 minutes from the server, 3 votes requiered

"rank" - shows your Mani Plug In rank, minimum 100 kills needed

"statsme" - shows your HLstatsX rank and statistics on all our servers

"epacs" - shows your epAcs global rank

"quake" - put the quake sounds on / off

"options" - for further options in the Mani Plug In menu, for example put deathbeams on / off

"thetime" - shows you the actually GMT time


Commmands for console:

"listmaps" - to see our maplist and mapcycle on the server

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