Well friends, i thought, its time to write a small story about the BS Community, cause BS is near one year old now and some guys dont know so much how all begins, also some members of BS not i guess....
The Bloodsuckers Community was founded by [B§] Dynas, [B§] Styler and me, [B§] Furianer this time, in the last week of november 2005. We played a lot of HL2DM together since middle of 2005, and it was sure, that we didnt want to join any clan, we wanted to create our own one. In the first december week we rent our first server at niceping, but this one never get online, cause exactly in this time we bought the server, they closed ^^. Nice start for us, hehe. After 4 weeks and many troubles with niceping we changed to Topgameserver and rent a 12 slot for the first time. We run custom maps like matar, bellas room, fragyard and so on. Also our first website was online and short time later we had some daily visitors. In January 2006 we get our first members we know by playing on our servers, it was [B§] ZiPo and [B§] Cyrus Virus from UK. Realy great guys, we had a lot of fun playing together and till now it doesnt change. At the same time and before [B§] we played also a lot on TSGK the killbox final map, great fun this time. For us was sure, we need also a killbox server and we rent a 16 slot one. First we had a bit problems to get players there, if i remember right, the old killbox final was a worth rpg map. Very nerved by the big crossbow-camper-respawn-point also, i decided, to create a new killbox. This killbox was my first one and it was called dm_bloodsuckers_killbox_v1 (now dm_bs_killbox_final and dm_killbox_tsgk_v8). I created this map with lots of testing also at TSGK and Osiris and i made this killbox from version to version better and better. The killbox gaming become a bit more skill by time and we also checked, that many players, which dont like killbox normaly, had fun to play it. As we run this box 24/7 on our server, we had a lot more traffic on our killbox server, than on the custom maps one.
In April around we had our first clanmatch against TSGK, two killbox maps, fragyard and bellas room. We lost the match around 720:800, but it was a great fun. Not forgetable... TSGK never played bellas room before and one player was lagging with 180 ping only, we lost the round
Meanwhile we get also some more members, friends of Cyrus like Maddog, also friends from dynas and some players here from Germany. The Forum was now more and more a meeting point for our players to discuss this and that...
In May 2006 we made contact oversee to KBH clan. I was playing there a great map called dm_killbox_kbh, which we needed also to host in our mapcycle and its there till now. A pure box, but no rpg and because of the big size realy nice to play. From now on, we had three maps (with triplebox) in our cycle and the killbox server gets more and more professional ^^.
In July around (if i`m right), we meet the first time players from reflex clan Germany, where ToXIC, Sayris, Nelson and some more where members. It was a nice gaming with this guys and after some time, the reflex clan was over or had some troubles, so that they joind [B§] and play till now. With this new members, we get also three more servers by Nelson, known as server 3, 4 and 5 now. Mostly they where hosted as Teamdeathmatch servers, lately now a ctf server.
In August [B§] ZiPo and [B§] Babu was leaving us after a great time playing with them, to do their own clan with the TP_UK members (who played also a lot at B§). Their clan is called now DmK, they are realy great guys and they rise up more and more. At the same time we recognized also some more small clans like EL, E=MC, PCM and DW. I think all had great fun to play at our servers and we are happy, that they did something by their own and hope, they will raise up also and keep killbox playing alive. Many thanks also for supporting our maps.
In the middle till the end of this year, a lot of new killboxes came out, with a lot of new ideas and great, skilled gameplay. Only to name a few... killroof from BeuZ, fragbox from EL, Hardcore Killers maps and Blaumonsters maps etc.. The point is: THE KILLBOX GAMING IS RAISING UP! ^^
But not to let the other servers in the background... TDM with koteam maps is also something special. Till now i dont know, where the koteam maps are coming from, but if the creator read this maybe, many thx for this great TDM maps. Some modifications like the fort march bs and arena duel bs you guys out there should also check out, its always fun to play.
What i dont want to forget is the plan about KWL Killbox World League. I had this idea in the first quater of 2006 and wanted to start it, but in the first time there was to less players and clans to keep it alive. Maybe now is the time to test it again. Lets see. Hope that all clans can do a peace of work, so its getting started maybe.
Last but not least, i wanted to thx all BS members and gamers outside there to share the time with us by playing on our servers. We had many nice games and it should go on like this. I know, that sometimes this game sucks, has much bugs or the connection is shit etc. Dont forget, its only a game, be chilled. Next time you win the round ^^.
bye bye,
The Bloodsuckers Community was founded by [B§] Dynas, [B§] Styler and me, [B§] Furianer this time, in the last week of november 2005. We played a lot of HL2DM together since middle of 2005, and it was sure, that we didnt want to join any clan, we wanted to create our own one. In the first december week we rent our first server at niceping, but this one never get online, cause exactly in this time we bought the server, they closed ^^. Nice start for us, hehe. After 4 weeks and many troubles with niceping we changed to Topgameserver and rent a 12 slot for the first time. We run custom maps like matar, bellas room, fragyard and so on. Also our first website was online and short time later we had some daily visitors. In January 2006 we get our first members we know by playing on our servers, it was [B§] ZiPo and [B§] Cyrus Virus from UK. Realy great guys, we had a lot of fun playing together and till now it doesnt change. At the same time and before [B§] we played also a lot on TSGK the killbox final map, great fun this time. For us was sure, we need also a killbox server and we rent a 16 slot one. First we had a bit problems to get players there, if i remember right, the old killbox final was a worth rpg map. Very nerved by the big crossbow-camper-respawn-point also, i decided, to create a new killbox. This killbox was my first one and it was called dm_bloodsuckers_killbox_v1 (now dm_bs_killbox_final and dm_killbox_tsgk_v8). I created this map with lots of testing also at TSGK and Osiris and i made this killbox from version to version better and better. The killbox gaming become a bit more skill by time and we also checked, that many players, which dont like killbox normaly, had fun to play it. As we run this box 24/7 on our server, we had a lot more traffic on our killbox server, than on the custom maps one.
In April around we had our first clanmatch against TSGK, two killbox maps, fragyard and bellas room. We lost the match around 720:800, but it was a great fun. Not forgetable... TSGK never played bellas room before and one player was lagging with 180 ping only, we lost the round

Meanwhile we get also some more members, friends of Cyrus like Maddog, also friends from dynas and some players here from Germany. The Forum was now more and more a meeting point for our players to discuss this and that...
In May 2006 we made contact oversee to KBH clan. I was playing there a great map called dm_killbox_kbh, which we needed also to host in our mapcycle and its there till now. A pure box, but no rpg and because of the big size realy nice to play. From now on, we had three maps (with triplebox) in our cycle and the killbox server gets more and more professional ^^.
In July around (if i`m right), we meet the first time players from reflex clan Germany, where ToXIC, Sayris, Nelson and some more where members. It was a nice gaming with this guys and after some time, the reflex clan was over or had some troubles, so that they joind [B§] and play till now. With this new members, we get also three more servers by Nelson, known as server 3, 4 and 5 now. Mostly they where hosted as Teamdeathmatch servers, lately now a ctf server.
In August [B§] ZiPo and [B§] Babu was leaving us after a great time playing with them, to do their own clan with the TP_UK members (who played also a lot at B§). Their clan is called now DmK, they are realy great guys and they rise up more and more. At the same time we recognized also some more small clans like EL, E=MC, PCM and DW. I think all had great fun to play at our servers and we are happy, that they did something by their own and hope, they will raise up also and keep killbox playing alive. Many thanks also for supporting our maps.
In the middle till the end of this year, a lot of new killboxes came out, with a lot of new ideas and great, skilled gameplay. Only to name a few... killroof from BeuZ, fragbox from EL, Hardcore Killers maps and Blaumonsters maps etc.. The point is: THE KILLBOX GAMING IS RAISING UP! ^^
But not to let the other servers in the background... TDM with koteam maps is also something special. Till now i dont know, where the koteam maps are coming from, but if the creator read this maybe, many thx for this great TDM maps. Some modifications like the fort march bs and arena duel bs you guys out there should also check out, its always fun to play.
What i dont want to forget is the plan about KWL Killbox World League. I had this idea in the first quater of 2006 and wanted to start it, but in the first time there was to less players and clans to keep it alive. Maybe now is the time to test it again. Lets see. Hope that all clans can do a peace of work, so its getting started maybe.
Last but not least, i wanted to thx all BS members and gamers outside there to share the time with us by playing on our servers. We had many nice games and it should go on like this. I know, that sometimes this game sucks, has much bugs or the connection is shit etc. Dont forget, its only a game, be chilled. Next time you win the round ^^.
bye bye,